Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pre Thanksgiving Pictures!

This might be the best picture of M like... EVER... you know so far... or at least today!
My brother, his soon to be wife, and his daughter are here for Thanksgiving. M took such great pictures with the help of my niece H. Thanks H for dancing around like a wild woman for great pictures of Miss M!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

4 Generations!

I am so greatful for my grandmother and my mother and for the choices they made that make me who I am today! And how those choices mixed with my own will help shape M's future! To GOD be the GLORY! While my grandmother was in town we took some 4 generation pictures.

The Leaves Have Fallen! 2

Here we are warming up by the fire after the picture taking event outside. Could not add all pictures to the last post so here you go!

The Leaves Have Fallen!

Mimi had been telling me all week that as soon as the leaves fall, she wanted pictures of M in them. So, Friday in the freakishly cold weather we all bundled up and took some fun pictures. I am so glad that Mimi wanted pictures in the leaves, not only did they turn out cute but I also forget to take pictures. I just get caught up in the day enjoying my baby girl! M was such a trooper in the temps.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our 6th Anniversary!

M stayed with Mimi and Pappy and away from us for the first time last night for our sixth anniversary. She did great and so did we! I do believe that I had the best nights sleep I have had in at least the last 6 months. I did love the sleep but I love my baby more. She is so awesome and so worth every night of lack of sleep! Thanks Mimi and Pappy! We love you two!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our 1st Blog!

This is the day that I finally gave in. I have decided to try this thing for myself. I want grandpa and nana and mimi and pappy and aunts uncles and friends all to be able to see our m as she grows.